The Millennial Mom:

still trying to figure out how to be everything

Who the hell do you think you are?

My name is Olivia Austin. I am a therapist, a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and probably a million other titles to the various people in my life. I started this blog because after talking to so many moms, I felt like my experience was not unique but was NEVER talked about by anyone. Not the doctors, not our friends, and absolutely not our parents. I am here to share how truly hard it is to be a modern mother. To find the balance and care (not to mention order of any kind) in a world that somehow wants us to be everything. This is a love letter to all everyone trying their best every day!

Things I can promise:

  1. I will always say exactly what I feel, think, and believe. Brene Brown taught me long ago that vulnerability is the most powerful and courageous thing I can be.

  2. You will never see a picture of my baby’s face. She is special and doesn’t belong on the internet yet.

  3. Your voice and experience matter to me, and I want to hear them!

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